Over the last couple of years LT-Projects have developed strong links with design companies and IT infrastructure installers looking for something a little different to add a wow factor to the spaces they deliver. Our top level understanding of applying creative concepts in technology mean we can consult design plan and install systems that integrate seamlessly into the spaces and give the client something really special. Recent installs including virtual skylights, digital books and interactive walls function to blur the boundaries between the architecture and digital content delivery in a playful tactile and sophisticated way. Changing the office space into somewhere a little more special to work within.

We were involved in some of the cutting edge development research in this area at Napier University helping deliver the ICE – Interactive Collaborative Environments research space and continue to look to innovate in this area on live projects going forward 


VR systems, invisible AV, virtual skylights, interactive books, conferencing systems and collaboration spaces. Room booking systems, touch walls and multi user interactive platforms.


Projection systems, interactive sensor tech, motion tracking, touch surfaces, screen technologies and focused audio systems.